We cordially invite all women to our…
Advent by CandlelightOur evening will begin in the Church with a warm and beautiful candlelit Mass, followed by a time of adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Consecrated Women will offer heartfelt and inspirational reflections to help guide us during Advent. Our time with Jesus will be followed by light-fare, dessert, fellowship and sharing in our Parish Hall.
Join us and bring other women too.COST: There is no fee. There will be an opportunity for a Free Will Offering.
Lenten Retreat Day 2024
ENCOUNTERING CHRIST: From Trust to Surrender
Join us for this special event as we learn about how to pray with art and ponder images and Scripture related to the themes of trust and surrender.
All women are invited for a wonderful retreat day to help enter the Lenten season more completely. This prayerful retreat day includes 2 wonderful presentations by our guest speaker, Katarina Weiss, Founder of BEHOLD, Visio Divina, along with small group discussion, time for reflection, Mass, a light breakfast, lunch, and time to creatively express your faith and inspiration in a special activity.
Advent by Candlelight 2023
Women's Lenten Retreat Day 2023 - Saturday, February 25 2-9PM - with Joan Watson
Fully Herself – The Richness of Femininity
Reflections on embracing the genius and gifts of womanhood in the Church and world, while discussing our “ordinary” call to holiness.
All women are invited to start off Lent with a prayerful and impactful retreat day that includes 3 wonderful presentations by our guest speaker, Joan Watson, along with small group discussion, time for reflection, Mass, dinner and time to be inspired by other women of faith.
Guest Speaker: Joan Watson
Joan Watson is a Catholic speaker and writer who loves to make Scripture, theology, liturgy, and history accessible and applicable. With degrees from Christendom College and Franciscan University of Steubenville, she has worked for the Church and various religious apostolates for more than fifteen years. She is the founder of Living 1 John 1, an online community dedicated to helping Catholics pray and love the Scriptures better. She is the Associate Editor of Integrated Catholic Life, where she writes weekly. Propelled by Luke 12:48, she is passionate about helping others encounter Christ and enter into friendship with Him through the daily circumstances of life. Her work can be found at www.joanmwatson.com.