Many of our parishioners actively serve God through the use of their time, talent and treasure. At Christ the King, there are many opportunities to actively participate in service to the community and those in need.
Our parish staff is here to serve families during this difficult time. Either in coordination with the Funeral Home or on their own, the family is asked to contact the parish office to make arrangements for a meeting with Fr. Brian or one of our Pastoral Associates to plan the funeral liturgy. The family will be provided with a packet of information that will act as a resource for choosing readings, prayers and music. A personalized funeral booklet is then produced to act as a worship aid for those attending the funeral.
Members of the Funeral Liturgy Team assist the Priest in a variety of ways. Members prepare the altar prior to the funeral Mass, act as candle and cross bearers, hand out funeral booklets, and when the funeral family cannot, participate as Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Each year during November our parish holds a special liturgy for the families and friends who have lost a loved one in the past year. While the entire parish is welcome, those who have lost a loved one in the past year are asked to contact Jonathan Camiolo or by calling 973-539-4955 ext. 153 so we can collect the names that will be written in the "Book of the Dead" and read and remembered in a special way during this Mass.
Anyone mourning the loss of a loved one; spouse, parent, child, friend, is welcome to join us for 9-week bereavement group sessions held in the fall and spring. Sessions include education, inspiration, sharing, and prayer, using the "New Day Journal." Please contact Jonathan Camiolo for more information or if you plan to attend.
CLICK HERE for the "NEW DAY" Bereavement Group Registration Brochure.
The Spiritual Stitches ministry invites all who already practice needle arts as well as those who wish to learn to join this ministry! Embroidery, crochet, knitting, needlepoint, sewing – if we’ve forgotten a needlecraft, consider it included.
Our focus is expanding to include making an item of welcome for the new babies of our parish, as well as needed items for the babies at Birth Haven and families who come to the Battered Women’s Shelter with nothing but what is on their backs. Other areas of outreach can be investigated and considered.
We meet once a month in the Parish Life Center library, on the third Tuesday of the month. Those who can’t make it physically to a meeting will now be able to join us via Zoom.
For more information contact Liz Colquhoun.
Parishioners are also available to drive individuals to doctor appointments, grocery shopping, or Mass. Meals and visits can also be arranged. For those who are unable to attend Mass, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion can bring the Eucharist to your home.
To volunteer as a driver for this ministry or to make a request, please contact Jonathan Camiolo or call 973-539-4955 ext. 13.
Support of Homeless Families
Volunteers from local congregations come together to provide emergency shelter, meals and support services to those in need. Our parish is assigned one week, 4 times a year. One group cooks and serves dinner on a Tuesday evening; another cooks and serves breakfast on Saturday morning and two volunteers are needed to sleep overnight on Friday night should any of the clients need assistance. We serve when the shelter is set up in the Presbyterian Church in Chatham.
For more information please contact Britta Gangemi.
Our Fishes and Loaves Ministry supports The Interfaith Food Pantry of Morris County which is a non-profit distribution center that is run by volunteers throughout the County. Christ the King parishioners donate food, volunteer hours and monies to assist those in need. On the first weekend of every month, non-perishable food and monetary donations are collected. We also collect turkeys at Thanksgiving (Bring Your Bird to Church) and other items during the holidays.
For more information please contact Susan Pellegrino.
Christ the King is a founding supporter of Eva’s Soup Kitchen in Paterson and provides meals approximately 8 times per year for over 200 people. The Kitchen is part of Eva’s Village.
For more information please contact Kathleen Matrale at 201.919.4841
During the Christmas season, we joyfully celebrate Christ’s birth by reaching out to those in need and sharing our blessings with the less fortunate. The Christmas-in-a-Box program allows parishioners to select a family in need of assistance and provide them with gifts and the makings for a festive meal. The parish Giving Tree is another Christ the King tradition. Parishioners select a tag from the tree, purchase the requested item and return it in a gift bag. These efforts support various charities including Birth Haven for unwed mothers, Family Promise for the homeless, Interfaith Food Pantry, Catholic Charities and Eva’s Village men’s shelter.
Every month, parishioners 60 years and older are invited on a Tuesday morning to the 9:00 am Mass followed by a home cooked hot breakfast in our Parish Hall. All are encouraged to invite neighbors and friends. Socializing is a big part of the experience. Transportation can be provided with advance notice. Volunteers are needed to help with provision of food items and/or set up and clean up.
For more information please contact Jennifer Flanagan.
From House to Homes
In July 2015, eleven parishioners traveled to Antigua, Guatemala to work with From Houses to Homes to build homes for two needy families. Christ the King has sponsored college trips for several years but this was the first trip open to the whole parish. We made another trip in July of 2018 to build one home and had a wonderful experience!
Unfortunately, we will not be travelling down this year, but hope to again in the new future - stay tuned for more information!
Below is a video of our work week from our 2018 trip!
“Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’”
–Matthew 26:34-36